Chris Wilhite

Sep 9, 2013

Name: Chris Wilhite
Birthday: June 16, 1993
Position: Defenseman
Hometown: Colorado Springs Colorado
Years with the Rhinos: This will be my 3rd full season.
What are you looking forward to this season?
I’m looking forward to hangin’ with the boys and being on the ice every day. Also, I can’t leave out our crazy awesome fans.

What are your goals for the upcoming season?

My personal goal for this season is to have the best, most fun year of them all. My team goals are to win the Division and the League.

What is one of the funniest moments you’ve had during your time as a Rhino?
At one of our team meals at Rudy’s, Gunnar, Johnny Mo and I all got shoe checked. That meant that we all had to get up on a chair and sing a song. We all chose to sing “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey to the whole restaurant.

What is the best part of playing for El Paso?

The best part about being a rhino is the way we are treated. Playing on the El Paso rhinos means a lot in this city. We are treated like we are pros and it’s great. Playing in our barn with our fans is the greatest feeling.

What is something few people know about you?
The first time I ever put on a Rhinos jersey was when I was 13 watching my brother Marcus win the Thorne Cup.